30 November 2021

We are proud to announce that the students and staff of Inspire Academy are committed to the assessment for Investor in Careers. This Quality in Careers Standard award is a kite mark for quality in Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) and is recognised nationally across the country. It is awarded to schools who have demonstrated a commitment to provide impartial, independent CEIAG to young people, to improve students’ awareness of opportunities, to raise their aspirations and to work with them to ensure they achieve their full potential.
Assessment is based on standards required by legislation or nationally produced guidelines on good practice, so we are not asked to do anything that is not already established as being of value to our students. The Award has been written and revised by careers education and guidance professionals, teachers and senior managers in schools.
The Award is structured around four key elements relating to the management of CEIAG:
- Commitment
- Organisation
- Delivery
- Evaluation
For more information about the Award please visit Quality in Careers or please contact Mr M. Betts, who will be leading the assessment for the Quality in Careers Standard, on mbetts2@inspireacademy.org.uk.