Our aim will be to develop in all young people those characteristics that will build resilience and skills for life.
The fully integrated and holistic approach will be delivered through various parts of the young person’s day and equip them with the following:
- Academic Attainment
- Reflective skills
- Social Skills
- Communication skills
- Emotional intelligence
- Coping skills/Self -regulation and behaviour management
- Knowledge and skills for life
- Independence skills
- Active citizenship
The young people experience this as:
- A feeling of empowerment
- Feeling safe
- Having positive control over their lives
- An ability to self-regulate
- Positive self-regard
- Happiness/Fun
- A reduction in anxiety and/or anger
- Sense of achievement
- Increased Opportunities
- Knowledge and understanding that they are valued and valuable
- Feel nurtured and cared for
- Feel a sense of pride in their contribution to others
- Feel enthusiasm and positivity, see a future
- Experience the enthusiasm of others on their behalf
Our curriculum is personalised by identifying interests which will engage the young person; the curriculum will challenge, enthuse and inspire the young person to begin to make progress where they have previously been resistant. We will ensure teaching is stimulating and relevant and will utilise visits, trips and first-hand experience to extend the young person’s experience.
Through our developing relationship with the young person we will model the qualities of:
- Consistency
- Boundaries
- Emotional containment
- Support and encouragement
- Empathy and reflection
- Responsiveness
- Celebration and validation
- Trust and Respect
Our understanding and knowledge of the young people in our school will ensure that Personalised Learning Programmes meet the needs of the young people, ensuring tailored experiences that ensure readiness and self commitment to life long learning and readiness for the world of work. We will aim for all young people to leave the school as competent readers, who have, wherever possible, achieved functional levels of literacy and numeracy.
The school will assess and understand the starting point for each student. This will allow both the school and the young person to measure even the smallest steps and progress. A comprehensive programme of monitoring and development will allow Teachers and all support staff to prepare and deliver exactly what it takes to provide the best outcomes for every young person.
The parents and carers, the young people themselves and the outstanding staff team all work together to make sure that the school is always developing and providing the very best education and outcomes for our students.
Individual development for the young person will need to be a three way conversation with staff, the young person and the family so that there is shared understanding of where each young person is in their learning, the next steps required and how to get there. Each party will know the part they will play and will make a shared commitment to achieving this.