Curriculum Statement

“Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way.” – George Evans


Inspire Academy provides education for students with social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH). Many of our students have fractured educational histories and thus are performing at levels below what would be expected of their mainstream peers.

Most students have statements of Special Educational Needs with SEMH as their primary need. Many also have additional needs.

Curriculum Aims

  1. To make learning an enjoyable experience which develops students as fully rounded individuals and enables them to explore their talents and interests and achieve their potential
  2. To re-engage students with learning and build their confidence and self-esteem so that they see themselves as successful students
  3. To develop basic skills in communication, literacy, numeracy and decision making so that they can function in adult life
  4. To prepare them for the world of work and independent living and to take their place as active citizens in the UK
  5. To address students’ social, emotional and mental health needs

Underpinning principles

  1. We seek to deliver a curriculum that:
  2. Is motivating and enjoyable and engages students in learning
  3. Is challenging and promotes high aspirations
  4. Is broad and balanced
  5. Encourages students to take responsibility for their learning and behaviour and is based upon mutual respect.
  6. Provides opportunities for accreditation
  7. Provides students with opportunities to develop their skills and interests
  8. Supports post 16 progression into further education, employment or training
  9. Is personalised and individualised and recognises progress and celebrates achievement
  10. Provides opportunities for students to “make good choices” and builds self- esteem
  11. Prepares students for life beyond school both in their personal and working lives
  12. Supports students to ‘be healthy’, ‘stay safe’, and ‘make a positive contribution’.
  13. Promotes student’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and enables them to become active citizens.
  14. Is accessible to all students

The Informal and Formal Curriculum

We believe that the informal curriculum plays a very important role in supporting our students’ personal and social development. We actively seek opportunities to interact with students informally, to model expected behaviours and courtesies and to improve motivation. Break time, lunch time and tutorials all provide valuable opportunities for informal contact.

In addition, we aim to have a range of trips, visits and visitors to enrich the formal curriculum along with off-site relationship days to enhance the social aspects of learning and improve relationships across the school. During the school year we further enhance the formal curriculum with specialist workshops (e.g. in music and drama) and other activities (e.g. social events and charity fundraising). We invite appropriate professionals from a range of disciplines to actively work with us to support student progress.

Religious education is included throughout the school year for all classes through our assembly programme and each subject identifies in term one how they incorporate SMSC including RE within subject curriculum maps.

Other opportunities for this are in form time where there are discussions about moral issues and relevant events e.g. Remembrance Day.

At Key Stage 3 the formal curriculum includes English, Maths, Science, ICT, PE, Humanities, Relationships and Sex Education, Creative craft (including DT and Art), SMSC, wellbeing and Personal Development opportunities.

In Key Stage 3 and 4 students may have the opportunities to undertake a vocational taster course at a local college as well as a careers advice programme.

In Key Stage 4 students study English, Maths, Science, ICT, Relationships and Sex Education, PSHE, King’s Trust, Occupational Studies incorporating Sport and PE, Food Technology and construction. Programmes of study lead to appropriate nationally recognised accreditation such as GCSE, BTEC, Entry Level, functional skills and level 1 and 2 award/certificates.

Students may spend time away from school at a vocational placement if relevant.

The courses available to pupils in Key Stage 4 are as follows:

GCSE English

GCSE Mathematics

Functional skills entry level, level 1 and 2 English

Functional skills entry level, level 1 and 2 Maths

Level 1 award Maths

NCFE level 1 award Occupational Studies

NCFE level 2 certificate in Sport (working in sport)

NCFE construction modules (occupational studies)

Kings Trust level 1 and 2 awards/certificates

PSHE NCFE level 1 awards – alcohol awareness, stress awareness, sexual health awareness, mental health awareness

NCFE RSHE level 1 and 2 awards/certificates

BTEC level 1/2 home cooking skills award

Entry level and level 1/2 functional skills in ICT

BTEC introduction to applied Science level 1 award

AQA entry level Science


Curriculum documents


Parents/Carers and other interested parties are able to find out more about the curriculum at Inspire Academy by contacting the school office, preferably by email -