Safeguarding Statement
Inspire Academy is committed to the safeguarding and protection of its pupils and expects all staff/volunteers to share this commitment. An Enhanced DBS certificate, medical clearance and references will be required for all appointments. We will also consider carrying out an online search on shortlisted candidates to identify any incidents or issues, related to suitability to work with children, that may need to be raised or clarified at interview (as part of the 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' statutory requirements released in September 2022). All shortlisted candidates are subject to the Academy's safer recruitment practices.
We are currently looking for a Parent Governor to join our Academy Council, if you would like to express an interest in this role, please contact us on or on 01634 827372.
Details of any Governance Vacancies will be published here.
Inspire Academy are currently recruiting new governance members.
Governance Application Form