29 March 2021

Following advice from Public Health England (PHE), we have had to make the difficult decision to shut the Academy for the remainder of this week (from Tuesday 30th March to Thursday 1st April 2021), due to a confirmed positive case of Covid-19. Relevant staff and pupils have been advised to self-isolate, which has inevitably resulted in depleted staffing numbers.
I would like to reassure you that we will be taking measures to ensure the building is deep cleaned before staff and pupils return.
Google Classroom has been set up for each pupil so that they are able to access virtual learning for the rest of this week, and lessons will be uploaded on a daily basis. If you have any issues with accessing Google Classroom, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Nolan by email: jnolan@inspreacademy.org.uk
I would like to kindly ask that all parents, carers and family members to avoid discussing this case on social media or via WhatsApp groups as this can often create misinformation and increase anxieties unnecessarily. Please be aware that we will contact all parents and carers should this situation change at all and therefore you can rely on the Academy for any official news.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to email your child’s form tutor.
Inspire Academy will re-open as normal on Monday 19th April, for the start of Term 5.
Kind regards,
Mr M. Burgiss
Head of Academy